
2008-11-27 Thursday - Writer Tools

I am starting to do some writing for an online magazine (Developer.com) - and found the need to do some screen captures for the first article that I'm writing.

Windws Screen Capture Frustation

After trial-and-error and more than a wee bit of frustration at the limitations of using the built-in capabilities of Windows to capture screen images (e.g. hit the ALT-Print-Screen button, and then copy from the clipboard into Microsoft Paint) - I decided to look for a better tool more suited to the task.

Why can't it just be easy?

A Craftsman Uses the Proper Tool

Many, many, years ago I used a tool called SnagIt - and remember how well suited it was to the task. A quick Google search landed me on the TechSmith web site - where I was able to download a 30-day evaluation copy of SnagIt 9.0.2

Within about 10 minutes I was happily capturing images, doing various transformations of the image, and saving them in a variety of popular formats (and some not so popular).

Highly Recommended:


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