
2019-12-07 Saturday - Business Analysis/Analyst Resources

A former colleague recently asked for some book suggestions for his new role as a Business Analyst.

I've published a file (Analysis.md) in my Lab.Architecture repository on Github

2019-12-07 Saturday - EA Tooling Thoughts

James McGovern asked this question on LinkedIn:

"Your CIO received an email communication stating that EnterpriseArchitecture using Excel, Visio and Powerpoint is a recipe for ZERO Business Value. She wants to know whether you agree? What do you tell her?"

My response to this thread
1) An EA tool with a centralized repository supports the root definition of elements/components - and reuse. 

2) There are EA tools that are HORRIFICALLY BAD - and have INSANE pricing models (i.e. named users, not floating licenses) 

3) A good EA tool should support exporting/publishing the repository to HTML - so that it can be made widely available - without incurring exorbitant costs. 

4) Creating/Defining the same elements - again, and again, and again - in each and every Excel, Word, Visio, PowerPoint document is MADNESS. 

5) Without a repository-based approach, for EA Tooling: There is no reuse; no ability to perform a query and determine dependency impact analysis - across all of those scattered documents that may be on a server, in someone' email inbox, etc; there is no definitive source-of-truth. 

6) Maintaining accurate information in an EA Tool is a Sisyphean task that most organizations will choose to abandon and not support over a long enough time period. 

7) There is no silver bullet.
8) Life is pain.


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