
2020-12-31 Thursday - End-of-Year Personal Metrics for 2020


  • 67 technology research notebook blog posts
  • 46 sailing-related blog posts

  • 413 git commits (mostly in my personal knowledge management repositories)

  • 17,688 lines (including blanks) in my private "2020 Technology Reading List" notes file. (4,585 links to articles, videos, etc.) - a catch-all of what I've read/found to be interesting - and may want to be able to find/recall/reference in the future.


2020-12-26 Saturday - Advice for 2021 Graduates


Photo by Simon English on Unsplash

 If I had a child, that would be graduating in 2021 - and going out into the professional world...I would spend the next 6-8 months finding different ways to communicate, illustrate, and educate them on these most important lessons that took me decades to learn:

What you will earn is largely limited by your own perceptions of your limitations - and not the perception of other's of your abilities.

Effort is necessary - but not all efforts are compensated equally, nor in a consistently linear fashion.

While you need to earn a decent living - always value learning, new challenges that will cause you to stretch and grow, and new experiences - over a mere title, or a salary.

Never stop learning.

Who you collaborate with - is one of the most important factors in your future growth - and fitness for future opportunities.

Value building relationships over transactions.



2020-12-13 Sunday - Containerize Your Go Developer Environment

 Updating my personal development toolchain today with Docker 3.0.0 and reading this excellent series of articles by Christopher Crone (from the Docker blog's go-env-series):

Containerize Your Go Developer Environment (parts 1,2,3)



2020-12-05 Saturday - Variations in API Filter Syntax

Variations in API Filter Syntax

Doing a bit of research today on variations in how different API implementations have chosen to support filter syntax. This blog post is a placeholder for organizing additional examples that I am working collect and organize.

1.0 References

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string 
    1. " Various ad hoc limitations on request-line length are found in practice."
    2. "The common workaround for these problems is to use POST instead of GET and store the parameters in the request body."
  2. RFC 3986 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
  3. https://www.programmableweb.com/category/all/apis 

2.0 Query Syntax Examples

2.1 Elastic Search Query Syntax:

2.2 Github.com 

  1. https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/search  
    • NOTE: Syntax, request & response examples shows on this page
    • The Search API does not support queries that:
      • "are longer than 256 characters (not including operators or qualifiers)."
      • "have more than five AND, OR, or NOT operators."
    • "GitHub Search API provides up to 1,000 results for each search."
    • Note: Uses the page metaphor: "Results per page (max 100)
    • TO-DO: verify if the API still uses the "per_page" parameter
  2. https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/searching-for-information-on-github/understanding-the-search-syntax
  3. https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/searching-for-information-on-github/searching-on-github

3.0 Review Backlog: Other API collections to examine:

  1. Wikipedia
  2. Twitter
  3. YouTube 
  4. Box
  5. DropBox
  6. LinkedIn
  7. Yelp 
  8. Indeed
  9. Fadcebook
  10. Twilio 
  11. Etsy
  12. PayPal
  13. Ebay
  14. Concur
  15. Uber
  16. SoundCloud
  17. Rotten Tomatoes 
  18. Reddit
  19. Thomson Reuters
  20. Basecamp
  21. Kiva
  22. Fitbit
  23. Vimeo
  24. Stripe
  25. Salesforce
  26. Coupa.com
  27. SAP
  28. Google
  29. AWS
  30. Azure

4.0 Additional Suggested Reading

  1. https://apievangelist.com/
  2. http://apistylebook.com/  
  3. https://www.moesif.com/blog/technical/api-design/REST-API-Design-Filtering-Sorting-and-Pagination/ 
  4. https://www.progress.com/blogs/rest-api-industry-debate-odata-vs-graphql-vs-ords

5.0 Suggested Books



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