
2015-07-19 Sunday - MySQL Federated Engine

I'm doing some research this weekend on MySQL's Federated Engine.  This posting is placeholder for collecting various information I find that might be of interest to others.





  • FEDERATED table does not support indexes in the usual sense; because access to the table data is handled remotely, it is actually the remote table that makes use of indexes. This means that, for a query that cannot use any indexes and so requires a full table scan, the server fetches all rows from the remote table and filters them locally. This occurs regardless of any WHERE or LIMIT used with this SELECT statement; these clauses are applied locally to the returned rows
  • Queries that fail to use indexes can thus cause poor performance and network overload. In addition, since returned rows must be stored in memory, such a query can also lead to the local server swapping, or even hanging.







  • "a number of limitations and due to network latency are rarely used...not enabled by default and is no longer maintained by Oracle and it's use is discouraged"


2015-07-11 Saturday - Seattle Code Camp 2015 (9.12.15)

I've submitted an idea for a talk at this year's 2015 Seattle Code Camp
"Often when invited into an organization as a consultant, every new environment/situation offers numerous new challenges: symptoms of inefficiencies and performance concerns...that span systems, people, processes, infrastructure, and organizational culture. This talk will focus on sharing lessons learned from years of experience - across many different technical platforms, many different industries - and hopefully provide you with a useful, holistic, conceptual framework to help you quickly assess, diagnose, triage, and begin treatment of the system-as-patient."

2015-07-11 Saturday - DNS configuration

In my normal day-to-day architecture role, I seldom need to perform hands-on System Admin and Network Configuration tasks. However, I need to be more deeply involved in reviewing many aspects of infrastructure and network design details for a current client engagement. So today I'm doing some background reading on DNS configuration as part of a new cloud architecture design effort - and deployment planning.












2015-07-04 Saturday - SaaS Performance Tuning Notes

When exploring possible SaaS performance issues, there are a couple of possible questions/concerns that might be worth examining as possible contributing factors:
  • Is there possible saturation of server CPU % utilization?
  • Is there possible saturation of server Memory % utilization?
  • Is there possible saturation of server Disk % utilization?
  • Is there possible saturation of the available network bandwidth?
    • Check the NIC % utilization on all servers, particularly for the database
    • What is the average response time within the data center network?
  • Is there possible database thread starvation occurring?
  • Are there inefficient SQL queries excessively consuming resources?
  • Does the application leverage any SQL query caching?
  • Is there lock contention occurring on database operations?
  • Would a Master-Slave configuration help distribute some database I/O 
    • Write against Master
    • Read from Slave (need to understand latency of Master to Slave replication)
  • Is there possible excessive session management overhead being incurred?
    • How much data is being stored in session management for an average user?
  • Is there possible File I/O contention for read/write of session data files?
  • Is there possible excessive overhead being incurred for static content delivery?
    • Is static content being served up by the same domain for which cookies are specified?
    • If so, cookies will be sent for each GET of a static content file

AppDynamics.com can be instrumental in helping isolate problems - as well as additional monitoring tools (e.g. such as Ganglia, SolarWinds, etc.)

In a recent experiment, moving two static content files to an externally hosted Content Delivery Network (CDN) appeared to suggest a possible 66% reduction in page load time.

2015-07-04 Saturday - R Programming Language (v3.2.1)

Experimenting today with the newest 2015-06-18 release of the R programming language (3.2.1)

exploring The R Manuals

As well as the 3.4.2 StateET for R Eclipse plugin

 ...In the new Eclipse 4.5 Mars release


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