
2023-02-21 Tuesday - 12 Anti-Patterns for Collaboration, Agility, Innovation, Productivity


[Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay.com]

A meditation...based on reflection...over 40 years in the IT industry...and the patterns that seem to repeat...

12 Anti-Patterns for Collaboration, Agility, Innovation, Productivity

  1. Class distinctions are made based on the employment status of the team members (IT vs. Non-IT; between business units; between divisions; between full-time vs. contractor). [You must operate as a team - first, last, always.]
  2. The default setting for Information sharing is to hide/restrict/limit access - regardless of the information classification.
  3. Access to critically important information is denied.
  4. Teams operate in silos - and there is little-to-no cross-communication/awareness.
  5. The priority of focusing on *potentially* perceived feelings - overrides honest, straightforward communication.
  6. Appearance is more important than substance.
  7. Make-work supplants deep work.
  8. Titles & Seniority rule - over whoever has the best idea
  9. Tasks/Activities are constantly driven by fire-drill prioritization - and investments in long-term, foundational work - is constantly deferred
  10. There is never time to make improvements - or do it right right the first time - but somehow there is always assumed to be time to do it over, again - and again.
  11. Complexity eclipses simplicity - and common sense.
  12. Bureaucracy strangles creativity.


Additional notes:



A Wish List for Bizzdesign Enterprise Studio


[Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay]

Here are my most heart-felt wish list items for the Bizzdesign Enterprise Studio:

  1. Make it easy for me to manage a collection of bookmarks to locations within a repository
  2. For The Love of God - create a way for me to define a template - to generate a PDF/HTML/Markdown/PowerPoint/Word document - with sections, a table of contents, table of diagrams, selection criteria for diagrams/views to be included, ways to ingest/specify snippets of text, a glossary, etc. 
    1. It is MANUALLY INTENSIVE to have to individually select each view, export it, and assemble them (MANUALLY) into a PowerPoint or Word document. 
    2. When diagrams change (frequently) in Bizzdesign, repeating that whole process is MANUALLY INTENSIVE.
    3. This would go a long way to supporting Enterprise Architecture teams that want to automate the production of Solution Architecture Design (SAD) documents for Architecture Review Board (ARB) governance.
  3. I should be able to retrieve diagrams/views via RESTful APIs - so that I can cobble together my own publishing engine - to create artifacts - a la a CI/CD pipeline...
  4. The left-hand Model Browser pane - should allow me to increase the font size - independently of other panes.
  5. Within a Note element - I should be able to modify the font style of selected portions of text.
  6. Within a Note element - I should be able to add hyperlinks - to selected text
  7. I should be able to create a type of repository that allows me to include a mixture of ArchiMate, BPMN, and UML views.
  8. Creating a quick, ad hoc UML Sequence diagram should be easy - not HARD.
  9. Exporting a diagram - should be EASY - not HARD - i.e., it should not require multiple steps
  10. I should be able to EASILY specify a target sub-folder (i.e., related content) for publishing/exporting a diagram/view
  11. I should be able to EASILY download a zip of all published/exported diagrams/views - or a selected sub-folder.
  12. I should be able to EASILY delete/purge/clean the folder where exported/published PDF/SVG docs reside
  13. Since MS Word doesn't support inserting SVG images - please add support for JPG, PNG, BMP image types to the Report export capability for a diagram/view.
  14.  PLEASE - make drawing/bending of lines and connecting elements - EASIER. This is probably the single most PAINFUL aspect of working with Bizzdesign - when you are working with a very dense diagram of many elements and lines.
  15. Provide a collection of different out-of-the-box templates for how EA team can organize their content. Organizations WASTE months debating different approaches - and they need HELP and GUIDANCE on BEST PRACTICES.
  16. Provide some out-of-the-box guidance/examples on how to model/organize the decomposition of Roadmaps, Strategic Initiatives, Programs, Projects - or in the parlance of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
  17.  Provide some out-of-the-box guidance on Naming Convention BEST PRACTICES. What have you seen in the field - that works - and what doesn't work (or perhaps just has some unintended consequences)
    1. For organizations that will be integrating with a CMDB (like ServiceNow) - what would be a good naming convention for elements that have not yet been defined/created in ServiceNow - and yet need to be established in the Bizzdesign repository.
    2. Provide concrete suggestions for how to identify/name/manage elements that may only be modeled as a WHAT-IF scenario - and my never actually be implemented (e.g., multiple vendor solutions being considered/modeled as part of an RFP evaluation phase).



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