
2023-02-16 Thursday - Preparing for a Deep Dive into Bitcoin Source Code

[image credit: natassa64 on pixabay.com]


This post is a placeholder, as I gather, organize, and plan - a deep dive into Bitcoin's source code. 

I'm interested in developing a deep understanding of not just the concepts and architecture behind Bitcoin - but more importantly - the actual code.

Today's Wall Street Journal article (2023-02-16) spurred my interest:

WSJ: Bitcoin’s Future Depends on Six Mysterious Coders


Useful References/Resources:

  1. https://bitcoincore.org/
    1. https://twitter.com/bitcoincoreorg
  2. https://bitcointalk.org/
  3. https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/ 
  4. https://bitcoincore.reviews/
    1. https://bitcoincore.reviews/meetings/ 
    2. https://twitter.com/BitcoinCorePRs 
  5. https://podcast.chaincode.com/
  6. https://bitcoinops.org/ 
  7. https://www.bitcoinfoundation.org/
    1. https://twitter.com/BTCFoundation 


Github Resources:

  1. https://github.com/bitcoin
    1. https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
  2. https://github.com/bitcoin-core

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