
2009-04-21 Tuesday - MPI Tutorials

wikipedia.org: Message Passing Interface

cmu.edu What is MPI?

Boston University, Scientific Computation & Visualization: Multiprocessing by Message Passing MPI

Blaise Barney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
http://www.llnl.gov/computing/tutorials/mpi/#Getting Started

Basic MPI
(Tom Murphy, Dave Joiner, Paul Gray, Henry
Neeman, Charlie Peck, Alex Lemann, Kristina
Wanous, Kevin Hunter)

OpenMPI Modular Component Architecture (MCA)
FAQ:General run-time tuning

Open MPI: Version 1.3.1

The Portland Group: PGI Guide for OpenMPI

The Portland Group: MPI Debugging and Profiling

Lecture Notes: MPI Application Development Using the Analysis Tool MARMOT - by Bettina Krammer, Matthias S. Müller, and Michael M. Resch1; High Performance Computing Center; Stuttgart, Germany.

Writing Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Code

Internet Parallel Computing Archive
Hosted by WoTUG at Computer Science Department, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Designing and Building Parallel Programs, by Ian Foster

Internet Parallel Computing Archive > Books

2009-04-23 Thursday Update:
MPI.NET: High-Performance C# Library for Message Passing

2009-04-21 Tuesday - McKinsey & Co. on Cloud Computing

McKinsey & Co. Report: Clearing the Air on Cloud Computing

Tim Bray's commentary:


2009-04-08 Thursday - SOA Governance - Versioning

I'm working on the draft of a proposed SOA Governance policy document (Service/WSDL/XSD Versioning) for a current client engagement, and have found the following links/references to be useful in guiding some of my thinking:

1 Designing and versioning compatible Web services; March 28, 2007; Aditya Narayan, Founder, QCD Microsystems; Irina Singh, Senior Consultant, IBM

2 Best practices for Web services versioning; January 30, 2004; Kyle Brown, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM; Michael Ellis, Solution Architect, IBM;

3 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1, W3C Note 15 March 2001

4 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0: Primer, W3C Recommendation 26 June 2007

5 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language W3C Recommendation 26 June 2007

6 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts W3C Recommendation 26 June 2007

7 WSDL 2.0 SOAP Binding Namespace

8 W3C Architecture Domain, Web Services Home

9 WSDL 2.0 SOAP Binding NamespaceW3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 1: Structures W3C Working Draft 30 January 2009

10 XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004

11 Versioning XML Vocabularies; By David Orchard; December 03, 2003

12 Extensibility, XML Vocabularies, and XML Schema; By David Orchard; October 27, 2004

13 Web Service Contract Versioning Fundamentals Part I: Versioning and Compatibility; by Thomas Erl, David Orchard and James Pasley;
Published: November 17, 2008 (SOA Magazine Issue XXIII: October-November 2008)

14 Web Service Contract Versioning Fundamentals Part II: Version Identifiers and Versioning Strategies ; by Thomas Erl, David Orchard and James Pasley; Published: Jaunary 19, 2009 (SOA Magazine Issue XXV: January 2009)

15 Versioning Options; Scott Seely; Microsoft Corporation; October 15, 2002

16 Design Strategies for Web Services Versioning, Adapting to the needs of the business; By Chris Peltz, Anjali Anagol-Subbarao , April 14, 2004, SOA World Magazine

17 Zero, One, or Many Namespaces?

18 Checking a Web service for version changes at runtime; Jim Culbert; August 1, 2003

19 Checking a Web service for version changes at runtime; Jim Culbert; August 1, 2003

20 Notes on Versioning of XML schemas; O. Newell; MIT Lincoln Laboratory; August 29, 2007

21 Checking a Web service for version changes at runtime; Jim Culbert; August 1, 2003Notes on Versioning of XML schemas; O. Newell; MIT Lincoln Laboratory; August 29, 2007XML Schema Versioning Use Cases; Draft - 31 January 2006; W3C XML Schema Working Group

22 “… more on XML Schemas”; Roger L. Costello; XML Technologies Course

23 Versioning Web Service Parameters; Don Smith’s MSDN blog; December 3, 2004

24 One parameter to rule them all: Part 2; Don Smith’s MSDN blog; November 29, 2004

25 Make minor backward-compatible changes to your Web services; Russell Butek; Web Services Consultant, IBM; November 30, 2004

26 [Web] Service Versioning Guidance; Don Smith, January 31, 2006

27 Principles of Service Design: Service Versioning; John Evdemon, MSDN; August 2005

28 SOA Change Management (Part 1); Robin Mulkers; November 8, 2005

29 Versioning; Codehaus Xfire > Users Guide; Dan Diephouse; March 2007

30 Designing Extensible, Versionable XML Formats; by Dare Obasanjo; July 21, 2004

31 Splitting up WSDL: The Importance of targetNamespace; Scott Seely; MSDN; August 20, 2002

32 Versioning REST Web Services; Peter Williams; May 11, 2008 http://barelyenough.org/blog/2008/05/versioning-rest-web-services/

33 Design Strategies for Web Service Versioning; Chris Peltz, Anjali Anagol-Subbarao; April 5, 2004

2009-04-24 Friday Update:

WS02 Governance Server > WSDL tool Checklist


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