
2019-01-28 FOSDEM 2019 This Weekend (Feb 2-3)

This weekend, the FOSDEM 2019 conference (Free Open Source Developers’ European Meeting) will be held in Brussels - with live streaming of the talks available online. 

("FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software.") 

 Activities take place in 33 rooms spread across several buildings of the Solbosch campus of the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles). 

IMPORTANT: Remember, Belgium is +9 hours ahead of Seattle

This year features 717 speakers, 751 events, and 62 tracks.


2019-01-25 Friday - The New Yorker article, The Friendship That Made Google Huge

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article - which provides an interesting insight into some of the early history of Google - and work that has been foundational to many advances for many technology companies.

The Friendship That Made Google Huge
(Coding together at the same computer, Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat changed the course of the company—and the Internet.)


2019-01-22 Tuesday - .NET Exception Handling

A recent question came up within a .NET engineering team regarding exception handling - and wrapping Try/Catch logic around Web API controller logic was proposed. This posting is to organize some resources that offer an alternative approach - and highlights some concerns around possible exception handling anti-patterns.

stackoverflow articles of note:
 Additional reading: 

Other possibly relevant Microsoft documentation resources to consider:

Potential Github resources:


2019-01-07 Monday - TensorSpace.js Experiments

My side project experimentation efforts this week will focus on exploring v0.3 of the TensorSpace.js visualization library 

Neural network 3D visualization framework, build interactive and intuitive model in browsers, support pre-trained deep learning models from TensorFlow, Keras, TensorFlow.js


  • npm install tensorspace




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