
2015-12-14 Monday - Database Version Control & DevOps Deployment Processes

I'm starting some research to understand the current landscape of Best Practices around Database Version Control - as it relates to DevOps Deployment Processes.

A few years ago, on a previous client engagement, LiquidBase was heavily used - but it was not without pain & shortcomings. I haven't looked at LiquidBase recently - but plan to write a deep-dive evaluation article in January 2016.

This posting is a placeholder for information that I find - that may be of interest to others.

This recent article series came to my attention in a DZone email newsletter...


2015-12-13 Sunday - Apache Cassandra

After reading the latest Apache Software Foundation weekly news round-up (*) - I happened to browse through the list of incubating projects - and was intrigued by Apache TinkerPop (note: Ketrina Yim created the excellent graphic characters to illustrate TinkerPop)

...which led me to the Titan Distributed Graph Database...(which was acquired by DataStax this year)
(note: Dr. Marko A. Rodriquez, Director of Engineering at DataStax, was the co-founder of TinkerPop, and founder of Aurelius LLC and the Titan Distributed Graph Database)

...which eventually led me to the excellent course material prepared by Kiyu Gabriel for the DataStax DS201: Cassandra Core Concepts

This DataStax blog post is illustrative of the concepts and power of TinkerPop

* I also noted the following, of interest to my expanding exploration of Big Data tooling, to add to the stack of things to research later: Apache Kylin™ –Open Source petabyte-scale Big Data distributed analytics engine. - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Kylin as a Top-Level Project http://s.apache.org/GZx


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