
2008-10-31 Friday - SOA Updates

I've been heads-down this week in meetings with the Enterprise Architecture team at a client site - refining the XSD schema for our distributed service logging subsystem - as well as the refinement of scope for our next major deliverable: Service Activity Monitoring subsystem.

2008-10-31 Friday - Drools-5.0.0.M2 deployment error (AccessDeniedException)

I recently tried to deploy the latest release of JBoss Drools to Glassfish - and encountered the following error which I reported on the JBoss Drools JIRA:

JBRULES-1828: drools-5.0.0.MR2-guvnor deployment under Glassfish fails with AccessDeniedException

I also added a comment to capture Dave Sinclair's nabble.com posting of a work-around solution.


2008-10-18 Sunday - link harvest

I came across Kim Cameron's IdentityBlog today - a good resource link to monitor.
Kim Cameron is Chief Architect of Identity in the Connected Systems Division at Microsoft, where he works on the evolution of Active Directory, Federation Services, Identity Lifecycle Manager, CardSpace and Microsoft’s other Identity Metasystem products.

The Open Group Identity Management Forum

Zivios open source ID management suite takes on Novell’s ZenWorks

xTuple - Open Source ERP/CRM vendor

2008-10-18 Sunday

Moving the SOA Goalposts

The Lego Hypothesis

Diary of a Fence Sitting SOA Geek

John Stepper Teaches Deutsche Bank to Sprecken Ze SOA

Leapfrog Makes a Flying Leap onto the SOA Pad

20th Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, October 20-22, 2008, ArabellaSheraton Grand Hotel München.

What a great blog post: Process as a Substitute for Competence.

On Timeless Software: Pace Layering and the SAP Software Architecture

First Look - Drools 5.0


2008-10-18 Saturday - Groovy Language

This weekend I've installed Groovy 1.5.7

Groovy 1.5, the latest major and stable version of the popular dynamic language for the JVM, has been released. In a nutshell, it brings new features like Java 5 annotations, generics and enums, it provides significant performance gains, new meta-programming capabilities, new and improved tooling support like the new joint Groovy/Java compiler, the new interactive shell, or the Groovy Swing console, and a few other additions in its syntax, like the new Elvis operator or the ability to omit parentheses in methods with named arguments to make DSLs even more readable.


* is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine

* builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk

* makes modern programming features available to Java developers with almost-zero learning curve

* supports Domain-Specific Languages and other compact syntax so your code becomes easy to read and maintain

* makes writing shell and build scripts easy with its powerful processing primitives, OO abilities and an Ant DSL

* increases developer productivity by reducing scaffolding code when developing web, GUI, database or console applications

* simplifies testing by supporting unit testing and mocking out-of-the-box

* seamlessly integrates with all existing Java objects and libraries

* compiles straight to Java bytecode so you can use it anywhere you can use Java

Groovy Documentation


2008-10-15 Wednesday

A friend and former colleague, Dr. Dean Wampler (here's his blog), is mentioned in this article:
6 Scripting Languages Your Developers Wish You'd Let Them Use, he's writing a book on Scala.


2008-10-11 Saturday

Top 100 Blogs for Development Managers

2008-10-11 Saturday

MSBuild Extension Pack Released
The MSBuild Extension Pack is the successor to the FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite and provides a collection of over 170 MSBuild tasks designed for the .net 3.5 Framework. A high level summary of what the tasks currently cover includes the following:

• System Items: Certificates, COM+, Console, Date and Time, Drives, Environment Variables, Event Logs, Files and Folders, GAC, Network, Performance Counters, Registry, Services, Sound
• Code: Assemblies, CAB Files, Code Signing, File Detokenisation, GUID’s, Mathematics, Strings, Threads, Zip
• Applications: BizTalk 2006, Email, IIS7, MSBuild, SourceSafe, StyleCop, Team Foundation Server, Visual Basic 6, WMI

It implements a TaskAction based design which improves usability and maintenance whilst reducing the code base, e.g. to start or stop a website, typically two task files would be created to perform each task, whereas the pack accomplishes this in a single task files using TaskAction=”Stop” and TaskAction=”Start”.

Each task is documented and provided with an example in the help file. Where applicable, tasks are remote enabled, simply specify a MachineName and the task will target the remote machine.

Creating a Build Number With Ant and Subversion


2008-10-10 Friday

Tips for using core Java SE APIs Core Java Technologies Tech Tips


I will be giving a presentation on Continuous Integration with Glassfish, Subversion, and Hudson at this years Seattle Code Camp, November 15-16 in Redmond, Washington.

Alfresco is the Open Source Alternative for Enterprise Content Management (ECM), providing Document Management, Collaboration, Records Management, Knowledge Management, Web Content Management and Imaging.


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