
2009-10-25 Sunday - Common Lisp

In my study of the Scala language, I've taken a slight detour to spend some time learning the CLISP implementation of Common Lisp, which I think will help me to better understand Scala itself (as well as fundamental concepts of any Functional Language).

Here are some of the resource links that I've found useful:

A Concise Introduction to LISP, by David L. Matuszek


Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
by Guy L. Steele Jr.

Peter Siebel's, Practical Common Lisp


6 Problems (with solutions in Lisp)
CS107 Handout 53, Autumn 2000 November 30, 2000, Lisp Section Examples

Nick Parlante's http://www-cs-staff.stanford.edu/~nick/compdocs/LISP_Examples.pdf

This is Abhishek Reddy's really well written, concise, summary of the the features in Common Lisp: http://abhishek.geek.nz/docs/features-of-common-lisp

...as well as his: http://abhishek.geek.nz/docs/lisp-answers/

Although not specific to Scala or Lisp, I enjoyed reading this 376 page text...

Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
By: Shriram Krishnamurthi
Brown University

2010 DoD Enterprise Architecture Conference

2010 DoD Enterprise Architecture Conference (San Antonio, Texas)

Hosted by:
Director, Enterprise Architecture & Standards Office, DoD CIO/ASD NII
Joint Chiefs of Staff, J6

2009-10-25 Sunday - QCon 2009, San Francisco

My reservations are complete for my trip next month to the 3rd Annual QCon conference in San Francisco (Nov. 16-20).

To consolidate and deepen my understanding, I'm signed up for the following tutorials on Monday-Tuesday:

  • Java Performance Tuning

  • Enterprise Application Development with Spring

  • Enterprise AOP with Spring and AspectJ

Wednesday thru Friday will be the full conference - and it is jam packed with some great sessions by speakers who are some of the world's foemost experts.

I attended last year's conference - and really look forward to spending the week renewing my passion for software architecture.


2009-10-10 Saturday - Tax Planning

This weekend I'm reading: South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Taxation of Business Entities, Professional Version (with TaxCut® Tax Preparation Software CD-ROM and Checkpoint 6-month Printed Access Card)

Packed with new "Big Picture" tax scenarios and new "What-If?" case variations, SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2010: TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES remains the most effective text for helping you master complex tax concepts and the ever-changing tax legislation. H&R Block's TaxCut® software and Checkpoint® from Thomson Reuters come with each new copy of this text...


2009-10-09 Friday - Intl. Assoc. of Software Arcchitects

Today I became a full member of the International Association of Software Architects (Membership Number: 39420607)

The International Association of Software Architects (IASA) is the premier association focused on the architecture profession through the advancement of best practices and education while delivering programs and services to IT architects of all levels around the world.

Established in 2002, IASA is an international non-profit business association dedicated to the advancement and sharing of issues related to software architecture in the enterprise, product, education and government sectors.

The association is committed to improving the quality of the IT architecture industry by developing and delivering standards, education programs and developing accreditation programs and services that optimize the development of architecture profession. IASA membership consists of approximately 6,000 members located in over 50 countries.

2009-10-09 Friday - C# ActiveDirectory Application Authorization

Today I spent some time researching the integration of ActiveDirectory as the Authorization mechanism for users of a C# application (e.g. based on their Role / Group membership).

This line of code will return the user's current logon domain / name:

Here are some of the more interesting links I found:

Howto: (Almost) Everything In Active Directory via C#


Managing Directory Security Principals in the .NET Framework 3.5

Developing Applications Using Windows Authorization Manager

Application Security through Active Directory and ADAM

How To: Use ADAM for Roles in ASP.NET 2.0

TechArena Community > Technical Support > Computer Help > Windows Server > Active Directory
C# AD Scripting

Other resources that may have some useful informaiton that I still need to review:


C# Forums CSharpFriends > CSharpAspNetAnyQuestionIsOk > Setting Permissions


.NET Framework Class Library

Integrating LDAP Active Directory into your ASP.Net Web Portal (C# or VB.NET)


Using Forms Authentication with Active Directory

How To Implement Forms-Based Authentication in Your ASP.NET Application by Using C# .NET

Active Directory in C# ASP .NET Web Applications

Generic Authentication Call to Active Directory in C#

How To: Use Forms Authentication with Active Directory in ASP.NET 2.0

How To: Encrypt Configuration Sections in ASP.NET 2.0 Using DPAPI

2009-10-09 Friday - SpringSource Tool Suite

I downloaded and installed the SpringSource Tool Suite (2.0.1) tonight.

I'm working my way through Spring In Action, Second Edition, by Craig Walls (a most excellent book!)


2009-10-07 Wednesday - ESRI ArcGIS Resources

I'm currently working on a client's interesting ArcGIS project - serving double duty as the Project Manager and Application Architect.

Here are some interesting ESRI.com resources for ArcGIS:

ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 Help

What is ArcGIS 9.3

What's new in ArcGIS 9.3

What's new in ArcGIS 9.3.1

Using ArcGIS Desktop (400+ page pdf)

Tips and Tricks within ArcGIS


2009-10-04 Sunday - Interesting Links

19 Firefox Add-ons For Designers

I happened across a Twitter posting that mentioned:
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 1.6

...which led me to discover these...

...extends the Java™ Collections Framework by providing type-specific maps, sets, lists and queues with a small memory footprint and fast access and insertion; it also includes a fast I/O API for binary and text files.

DSI utilities
...a mish mash of classes accumulated during the last ten years in projects developed at the DSI (Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, e.g., Information Sciences Department) of the Università degli Studi di Milano


2009-10-03 Saturday - SATURN 2010

SEI Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference
SATURN 2010 Theme: Architecting for Change
May 17 - 21, 2010
Minneapolis, MN

2009-10-03 Saturday - WPF and Silverlight

I'm researching Microsoft's WPF and Silverlight technologies for a client development effort. This posting will help me organize links to information.

WPF Resources

MSDN: Windows Presentation Foundation

MSDN: Getting Started with Windows Presentation Foundation

aspfree.com WPF Through an Example: Introduction


joshsmithonwpf.wordpress.com A Guided Tour of WPF

MSDN: Building a WPF Application (WPF)

Using a WPF StackPanel for Business Forms

khason.net WPF (.NET 3.5) – what’s next? The future roadmap of Windows Presentation Foundation

Scott Guthrie's weblogs.asp.net NET 3.5 Client Product Roadmap

WPF Futures (Oct. 2008)

codebot.org WPF and the Future? (June 2008)

Paul Sheriff's weblogs.asp.net Why you Should Move to WPF

Should you invest in WPF and Silverlight?

japf.fr Mix09: The future of WPF

Mix09: What's New in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 4

WPF vs. Silverlight: it's the wrong debate

Xceed WPF products

infragistics.com WPF components

Buying themes for WPF applications


nukeation.com Reuxables - designer application themes designed for the Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight.

Silverlight Resources

The official Microsoft Silverlight site: silverlight.net/


Microsoft - Prism: patterns & practices Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight site

Silverlight 3 new business app features

Getting started with Silverlight

Building a Service for a Silverlight Client

MSDN: Accessing Web Services in Silverlight

Nice review of 16 Design Tools for Prototyping and Wireframing


2009-10-01 Thursday - Sun Cloud Computing


Sun's Project Kenai

The APIs for the Sun Cloud

I listened in on a Sun Cloud Computing webinar this morning:

Webinar: Cloud Computing - An Introduction Tailored for the Enterprise

- Over 160 questions were asked via the chat window
- Most of the questions were very basic / fundamental
- Most of the answers were too general to be meaningful
- They cited Washington Mutual as an example???
- Nothing substantive was announced
- My two questions were not answered:
--- How many Cloud Computing data centers will Sun have running by the end of the year?
--- Are there any Oracle Cloud Computing efforts that might have synergy with Sun's efforts?

Next Thursday, October 7th, there is another webinar scheduled:

Webinar: Cloud Computing - An Introduction Tailored for Startups & Developers

2009-10-01 Thursday - Oracle World 2009

Submitted my registration request today for Oracle World 2009 (Oct 11-15) as a blogger / industry analyst


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