
2022-12-31 Saturday - End-of-Year Personal Metrics for 2022

[Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay]


2022 Personal Metrics

  • 191 git commits (mostly in my personal knowledge management repositories)
  • 12,986 lines (including blanks, 131,677 words) in my private "2022 Technology Reading List" notes file (2,984 links to articles, videos, etc.) - a catch-all of what I've read/found to be interesting - and may want to be able to find/recall/reference in the future.



2022-12-01 Thursday - 2023 Challenge - Plant The Seeds of Your Own Renewal


[image credit: annawaldl onPixabay]

If, in the last 12 months...you haven't...

  • Read at least three books, research papers, etc.related to new ideas, new approaches, breakthrough ideas - in your particular area of discipline.
  • Written and published something (Medium.com, Github.com, your own blog, a podcast, a book, a zine, a conference presentation, a paper, an article, etc.)...communicating something that you have learned, tried, failed at, succeeded at, explored, ...
  • Made at least 25 new professional connections...
  • Offered to make at least 5 new introductions...on behalf of others...with no goal of gain, or advantage, to yourself...
  • Read a book completely unrelated to your particular discipline...simply because you are curious enough to learn about some other field...just because...
  • Learned a new skill - or practiced improving an existing skill - outside of your particular discipline...

Then, my friend - I challenge you to plant some new seeds in 2023...to plant the seeds of your own renewal - to embrace the idea of defining some new personal goals/challenges for yourself in 2023 - and make time for yourself, invest in yourself, plant seeds for your own future - and your own personal growth.



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