Thursday, January 08, 2009

2009-01-08 Thursday - Git vs. Subversion?

Git Home:

Several senior level developers in my professional network have adopted Git as their source code management system. I haven't had much time to investigate/evaluate Git, but I am interested in learning more about it. This posting will be my placeholder for my Git research.

Git was originally created by Linus Torvalds to replace BitKeeper as the version control system for the Linux kernel. Git

Git User's Manual

Git's Major Features Over Subversion

My initial conclusion is that the relative lack of maturity of Git integration in popular IDEs is the limiting factor in my consideration of whether to adopt Git.


Slashdot: Git Adoption Soaring; Are There Good Migration Strategies?

DVCS adoption is soaring among open source projects

GNOME DVCS Survey results
- Many different kinds of revision specifiers

A tour of git: the basics

Repository formats matter [?]

Why Git is better than X?

Git Resources

2009-01-31 Updates:

R. Tyler Ballance's blog:
"I'm using Git because it makes me feel cool"

"Delightfully Wrong About Git"

2009-02-18 Updates: - free git repository hosting

Guides: Using the EGit Eclipse Plugin with GitHub

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