Wednesday, September 08, 2021

2021--09-08 Wednesday - Today's Meditation

Image by Pexels from Pixabay


Today's Meditation:

As a coach - in the field of sports - and in IT, I have found that observing the smallest movement - often can reveal much about the true level of skill/accomplishment of the individual.

Whether it is in their stance, their swing, the turn of their wrist, or the rotation of their hips - these are incredibly telling for the eye trained to truly see.

Just as revealing - how someone in their chosen IT profession performs the smallest of tasks...their attention to detail, the economy of motion/effort, rhythm of their cadence, the importance they place on practice, the depth (and consistency) of effort in their preparation - not just for "The Big Game" - but in everyday execution.

However, the true mettle of the exceptional individual is always revealed by the application of the heat of stress. 

Do they maintain their performance level?
Do they seek to cut corners?
Does the quality of their effort fail the test?

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