Friday, October 06, 2023

2023-10-06 Friday - Today's meditation: On the value of "Wall Walks"

[Image by meineresterampe from]

Today's meditation: On the value of "Wall Walks"

A Wall Walk - is a technique for breaking siloed thinking, for encouraging innovation, for identifying dependencies & risks, and for encouraging open communication & collaboration.

It is a periodic meeting (quarterly usually feels like a good cadence - however, during periods of rapid change - monthly may be appropriate), that pulls together participants from all of the disciplines across a company - and each area is given [n] minutes to give a brief talk, with a question & answer session following.

What makes the Wall Walk *fundamentally* different from almost every other presentation you will see in any company - is that it isn't intended as an opportunity for the team to proclaim their glorious achievements - or show how many areas they are reporting as GREEN to management (when in reality, we all know, some of them are actually RED).

The goal for a Wall Walk talk should be to cover:
- What we recently delivered
- What we we are working on - and how it may impact the rest of you
- Experiments we've tried - what worked - and what didn't
- *Challenges* we are struggling with - would love to have follow-ups to hear your ideas
- Future planned work - in areas in which we know (or believe) that there will be dependencies that impact you.

To implement Wall Walks requires courage - and a willingness to tell the unvarnished truth.

Other variations on the concept of Wall Walks:

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