Sunday, July 14, 2019

2019-07-14 Sunday - New Consultation Call-Scheduling Service

*** Schedule a 1-hour Consultation ***

I've set-up an integrated calendar/scheduling service - to allow clients to schedule, and pay in advance, for one hour consultations - for those times when they may just need to get a quick answer/perspective from an expert.

Clients may also wish to leverage my expertise for brief consultations during a specific focus area of a design review, as part of a vendor discovery / technical evaluation call, to brainstorm architecture and technology roadmaps, or as a catalyst during an idea storming session to help generate a diverse set of alternative solution ideas.

I've also wanted to explore the possibility of offering these type of short consultations - as a way to provide career coaching and mentoring to fellow professionals in my industry. Think of me as an on-call "Personal River Guide" for the turbulent times that you may face in your career - from time-to-time.

The ability to have a confidential, trusted, adviser - who can offer an outsider's independent and objective perspective - can be invaluable - to executive leaders, managers, as well as staff.

While you may have had a mentor early in your career - as you've progressed and risen - it becomes more difficult, with every passing year - to find a peer (or, as is sometimes most needed - someone with more experience) that you can confidently turn to for confidential advice.

When you are under pressure to respond to the various sensitive situations that may arise during the course of a career - this consultation service can serve to help you navigate the turbulent waters.

Whether the challenge is some aspect of your own salary/compensation negotiations; preparing for a performance review; preparing for an important presentation/meeting; or seeking guidance on how to handle problems that can arise in politically-charged/sensitive relationships; or sketching out your personal professional development/improvement strategy to help you reach the next level - these are challenges that you need not face without a guide.

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