Thursday, July 04, 2019

2019-07-04 Thursday - Visual Studio Code

Have you tried Microsoft's Visual Studio Code editor yet?  If not - you should.

For a long time, I was a strong supporter of the Eclipse IDE - and yet - the pain of broken plugins, and the rate of the rot & decay increasing - with the number of plugins that are not maintained - with the accelerated pace of releases - has led me to finally abandon it as my primary code editing tool.

I've often fallen back to using Notepad++ - which is a good enough tool - for the majority of any quick code editing tasks.

But, I've long wanted a better tool - with a robust and vibrant marketplace of community contributed plugins.

While other of my peers have indicated their preference for Sublime Text - I have settled on the most excellent Visual Studio Code editor.

The June 2019 (version 1.36) release - yet again - impresses me with the continued pace of improvements - ease of use - and ease of configuration.

 Opening a Go file - it was a seamless experience of the UI detecting and initiating the install process - automatically - for the 11 related plugins that were suggested.

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