
2015--08-30 Sunday - ES6 Notes

This posting is a placeholder for articles and documentation I'm reviewing to deepen my understanding of ES6



2015-08-29 Saturday - JSON Schema

This posting is a placeholder for some research I'm doing related to JSON Schema features/capabilities.


"JSON Schema is an Internet Draft, currently version 4"
"Although JSON is intended solely as a data serialization format, its design as a non-strict subset of the JavaScript scripting language poses several security concerns. These concerns center on the use of a JavaScript interpreter to execute JSON text dynamically as embedded JavaScript. This exposes a program to errant or malicious scripts. This is a serious issue when dealing with data retrieved from the Internet. This easy and popular but risky technique exploits JSON's compatibility with the JavaScript eval() function" 





"JSON schema validator, which is designed to be fast and simple to use. The latest IETF published draft is v4, this library is mostly v4 compatible."
JSON Schema Lint

"The schema is still under development and the progress can be tracked by comparing the versions known as “drafts”. Currently, the schema is in the 4th version."

"Much like the incoming request, Hyper-schema allows us to specify a schema for the outgoing response as well with the targetSchema keyword."
"Generate API documentation with Prmd." 

2015-08-29 Saturday - Suggestions for Developer Continued Self-Education

This week I prepared a list of suggestions for an engineering group - on some free online resources that might be of interest to those who wish to invest some time in their own continuing self-education. Perhaps others might find these of interest as well:

The AWS tutorials are free – and the examples and documentation is quite extensive

The Seattle AWS Architects & Engineers meet-up is organized by a friend of mine, Teri Radichel – and most sessions are __very__ informative

Thomas Erl’s SOAPatterns.org web site provides a very good (and free) overview of much of his content

Stanford’s Video Lecture series on Startup Engineering has some very good free content

This Forbes article from last year has quite a few suggested links to free online courses that are specific to Cloud Computing

The MIT  Open Course Ware series (offered through the Sloan School of Management) has a good course on ‘Management of Services: Concepts, Design, and Delivery’

One of the best sources of free technical information (in particular, for tracking leading edge developments) is slideshare

In particular, I am almost always __very_- impressed by the decks prepared by the folks at Netflix and Etsy

One of the best values for a professional programmer is a personal professional subscription to Safari ($39/month)

There is a tremendous amount of valuable knowledge and expertise in the IBM Cloud Computing Redbooks

I also personally find the following YouTube channels to be very informative:

2015-08-29 Saturday - Language Performance Benchmarks

I've spent some time this week reviewing some language performance benchmarks - notably looking for comparisons between Java, Go, Rust, Python, Groovy, and PHP. This page is a placeholder for links to resources that I find of interest to this topic:


2015-08-17 Monday - Interviewing Tool: Candidate Self-Scoring Scale

When interviewing candidates, I like to go through a relevant list of technologies for the given role/position and have the candidate provide a self assessment score of their level of experience / knowledge / depth of technical expertise.

Over the years, I developed the following scale to help facilitate those conversations. The intent is to seek to minimize the variability in the subjective nature of having someone just assign their own weight/interpretation to a 1-10 scale.

10 - Recognized as an industry expert on the given technology, outside of their company.
  • Examples: A member of the development team of the given technology, authored books/articles, frequently invited speaker on the given technology at conferences, etc.

 9 - Recognized as one of the key experts on a given technology, within their company.

 8  - Highly Proficient
  • You are able to quickly build solutions with the given technology. 
  • You may occasionally refer back to documentation, but in general - you are quite familiar with the given technology.
  • You have built, deployed, and maintained multiple solutions with the given technology

 7 - Practical Knowledge
  • Examples: You've used the given technology on a project somewhere and have actually deployed something to production and maintained it

 6 - Played with it, have at least built a toy app, but may not have been deployed to production.

 5 - Downloaded it, look at the source code

 4 - Took a class, attended a conference session, completed brief online tutorials

 3 - Read a book

 2 - Read about it somewhere
  • Examples: Industry journal, an article, someone's blog

 1 - Aware that it exists

Copyright 2015 by Kelvin D. Meeks under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License


2015-08-16 Sunday - Signed up for Coursera's Mining of Massive Datasets.

The class, 'Mining of Massive Datasets', starts on Sept 12 and runs through Oct 31

2015-08-16 Sunday - Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 Smart Wifi Router Model R7000

Today I installed a new wifi router in preparation for the Wave G gigabit internet service that will be activated tomorrow for my home office.

I purchased the Nighthawk AC1900 Smart Wifi Router (model R7000) by Netgear, from a local Frys.com for $178.99 (also available on Amazon)

  • AC1900 WiFi – 600+1300 Mbps speeds
  • 1GHz Dual Core Processor
  • Upstream & downstream QoS for best gaming & video streaming experience
  • Prioritized bandwidth for streaming videos or music
  • Now with NETGEAR genie with remote access
  • Easy & automatic installation of the NETGEAR router with current Internet provider gateway to upgrade your WiFi
  • Free automatic backup software for Windows PC & Time Machine compatible for Macs
  • Beamforming+ improves range & performance
  • High powered amplifiers & antennas to extend your WiFi coverage
  • Manage your home network with NETGEAR genie
  • ReadySHARE USB Access – Wirelessly access & share USB hard drive & printer via 2 USB ports
  • ReadySHARE Vault – Free software for automatic PC backup to a connected USB hard drive   
  • VPN Support – Secure access to your home network
  • Personal FTP service – Cusotmize free URL to create FTP server  
  • Open Source Support – Download open source firmware from http://www.myopenrouter.com
  • Guest Network Access – Separate & secure access for guests
  • -Parental Controls – Website filtering for all your connected devices


2015-08-15 Saturday - VirtualBox 5.0.2

I upgraded today to VirtualBox 5.0.2

In particular, note:
"Disk Image Encryption: Data can be encrypted on virtual hard disk images transparently during runtime, using the industry standard AES algorithm with up to 256 bit data encryption keys (DEK"


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