
2007-08-30 Thursday

Talend Open Studio 2.1.2
"Talend Open Studio is an ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) tool. Talend Open Studio can perform jobs that range from datawarehouse feeding to database synchronization, as well as file format transformations. Its graphical interface is made with Eclipse RCP, and data related scripts are generated in Perl. The application was designed to be extended with components written by users"

Tulip 3.0.0 Beta6
"Tulip is a software system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs. It manages graphs with up to 500,000 elements (node and edges) on a personal computer (PIII 600, 256MB RAM). Its SuperGraph technology architecture provides the following features: 3D visualizations, 3D modifications, plugin support, support for clusters and navigation, automatic graph drawing, automatic clustering of graphs, automatic selection of elements, and automatic coloring of elements according to a metric."

Achievo ATK 6.1.0
"Achievo ATK is a PHP business framework. It is targeted at developers who wish to focus on business logic instead of coding HTML. ATK provides a complete framework that requires only small amounts of code to get usable applications, while maintaining full flexibility. ATK has a model driven approach, but is 100% customizable."


2007-08-29 Wednesday

John C. Dvorak: Don't Trust the Servers
"The danger of putting your data at the mercy of a company's servers was made apparent when Microsoft's own WGA servers crashed over the weekend"


2007-08-28 Tuesday

Microsoft co-founder's next great adventure
"Simonyi's five-year-old startup, Intentional Software, is making software so smart that you can simply tell it what you want to do. Lay down a few basic parameters, and it will write its own code. No programming skills are necessary."

Open-source SugarCRM eyes stock market entry


2007-08-23 Thursday

For a client project, I am setting up a number of Open Source tools to facilitate team communication and cooridination:

  • Apache HTTP Server 2.2.4

  • Cruise Control 2.7

  • Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)

  • MediaWiki 1.10.1

  • MySQL

  • PHP 5.2.3

  • Python 2.5.1

  • Roller 3.1

  • Subclipse 1.2.3

  • Subversion 1.4.4

  • Trac 0.10.4

  • WebSVN 2.0

  • Yesterday I installed WebSVN at the client site - and missed a key line in the config.php - so this morning, with a fresh pair of eyes - I quickly spotted it and it is operational. Simple, clean, efficient.

    I'm currently researching a possible comptability issue with the Apache 2.2 and Subversion 1.4 release - related to the mod_dav_svn.so

    I thought these links might have been the solution to the compatibility problem - but it appears that I have further research to do

    This link may provide some potential solutions - with recompiled mod_dav_svn.so links.

    Re: Re: svn 1.4 and apache 2.2.3
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    From: Garrett Rooney
    Date: 2006-09-12 14:44:05 CEST

    On 9/12/06, Johnson, Rick wrote:
    > > 1.4 works just fine with apache 2.2, as long as you're not on windows.
    > > If you're on windows it needs a patch to APR 1.x (which is what
    > apache 2.2 uses) in order to fix a bug that we > happen to trip up, so
    > you'll have to either patch your version of APR or use apache 2.0.
    > >
    > > -garrett
    > >
    > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@subversion.tigris.org
    > > For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@subversion.tigris.org
    > >
    > Can someone point to some documentation about this bug? I just did a
    > Google search and a haxx search and got a LOT of results, some of which
    > talk about patching a bug but doesn't describe the bug.

    It was a problem with how permissions were handled in APR's stat calls
    on windows and it produced strange errors inside Subversion's working
    copy code. It was fixed (I believe) in revision 425620 of APR, and
    backported to APR 1.2.x in revision 425621.


    Trouble upgrading SVN repository server from Apache 2.0.55 to 2.2.0 - SOLVED

    Building the Subversion version 1.4.3 Apache modules to work with Apache 2.2.4

    Here's a short summary by Martin Lindhe
    of How to run Subversion 1.4.0 in Windows [running the Subversion Windows Service - not via the Apache module].

    This may also be helpful: planet-subversion.com


    2007-08-21 Tuesday

    I'm pressed for time tonight...so this will be a brief post of some interesting links. One of my current client projects involves developing an Enterprise / Service Oriented Architecture. As a natural consequence of that effort, the question of versioning must be addressed. Here are a few links related to that problem space:

    W3C Publishes an Update to Guide to Versioning XML Schema 1.1

    w3.org Guide to Versioning XML Languages using new XML Schema 1.1 features

    w3.org: Extending and Versioning Languages: Strategies

    xml.com: Extensibility, XML Vocabularies, and XML Schema

    xfront.com: XML Schemas: Best Practices

    xfront.com: XML Schema Versioning

    David Orchard: Extensibility, XML Vocabularies, and XML Schema

    I came across this blog today: plentyofcode.com (Programming Resources, News and Ideas). Wow - what a treasure trove of links.

    I had an interesting meeting today with representatives of Software AG, and had some good discussions covering some of the tools that they offer for rapid development of Web Services to access legacy applications. The scope of today's discussions mostly focused on challenges around integrating legacy mainframe applications into a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). ApplinX and EntireX were two products in particular that were discussed today.


    2007-08-08 Wednesday

    I've recently made some progress in introducing some Open Source tools into a client's software development environment - most notably, I've been able to gain some mind-share around adoption of Eclipse, Subversion, and Cruise Control. Small steps - but potentially huge long-term significance in terms of eventually reducing the cost of IT's overall budget. The client had considered adopting Microsoft SourceSafe as the primary repository for all project artifacts - for use by developers as well as business analysts and end-users. At a quoted price of roughly $400-500 per seat for the appropriate Microsoft SourceSafe client software - and a potential 25% adoption across an organization 16,000 personnel - I figure I've saved my client over $1.8M in initial cost - and $360K in annual maintenance cost - just by the introduction of Subversion.

    I'm doing some research for a client on how they can integrate their legacy mainframe systems (IBM CICS, Adabas, VSAM, ORACLE, COBOL, etc.) into a new SOA Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). The IONA Artix 5 software includes facilities for integration with CICS mainframe environments - but IBM's 3.1 release of CICS also included enhancements that support SOA Web Services:

    IBM's SOA-centric CICS

    IBM CICS Web Services

    Application Transformation with
    CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V3.1

    IBM Enterprise Architect Kit for SOA

    Beautiful Code: Where leading programmers explain how they find unusual and carefully designed solutions


    2007-08-07 Tuesday

    A lot going on these days...

    I'm beginning an evaluation of IONA's Artix 5 release of their SOA Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).

    As a small mental diversion (and just for fun), I've started doing some research on algorithms for solving Sudoku puzzles. This is of interest as a possible seed to form some ideas as the basis for developing a utility library that would provide methods for solving scheduling, optimization, planning, time table, and resource allocation problems based on Constraint Programming / Local Search approaches.

    I'm also interested in exploring approaches to developing Rich Internet Application (RIA) user interfaces - using Flash / Flex technologies. A few resource links:

    Creating rich Web service clients with Flash and Flex

    Flex Wiki

    Flex 2 SDK

    Wikipedia ActionScript

    Programming ActionScript 3.0



    I've also recently completed a preliminary analysis for a client of the integration capabilities and challenges for the following applications:

  • Primavera's P6 suite (Project Manager, Contract Manager, Operational Data Store)

  • OpenText LiveLink Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

  • WinEstimator

  • Ares/PRISM
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