Friday, March 24, 2023

2023-03-24 Friday - The fields of new ideas must be tended - soil must be fertilized - seeds must be sown

[Image credit: Dorothe, on]


This is a post is about the benefits of serendipity...and investing time in a random walk/continuous discovery process - and the process of finding/nurturing/harvesting new ideas
[links of possible interest are below]

I try to spend some time every day - looking not just for news specific to my area of focus - but also on the edges - and perhaps tangentially of interest.

One of the many resources I leverage is the Golang Weekly newsletter (published by Peter Cooper, Founder, Cooperpress)

Today's issue (#453) - had a short blurb about Go on the Xbox (re: ebitengine 2D game engine v2.5) that caught my attention...but it was after following several threads of another blurb (re: the open source project for Listmonk 2.4, written in Go) - that led me to some quite interesting altogether new information...

For example:
Jake Cooper (CEO, Founder of Railway) - and the *very* interesting open source software they have published on Github (in particular a well-written blog post about the v3 of their CLI that was rewritten in Rust, by Adarsh Krishna).

The culture of Railway - as described on their About and Careers page - and what may be of particular interest to those reading this post - that they have 13 openings currently.

In reviewing the Railway Github repositories - and documentation - and in particular their CLI project - I had an *epiphany* and flash of insight/inspiration for something new to create in my own area of focus - that might be beneficial to many organizations.

The fields of new ideas must be tended - soil must be fertilized - seeds must be sown. 



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