Monday, August 07, 2023

2023-08-07 Monday - The Tao of Corporate Stewardship...


[image credit: jplenio on]

The Tao of Corporate Stewardship...
(or, the mystical ideal client organization)

0. You value: Superior Customer Service, Flawless Execution, Exceptional Products/Services.
1. You value your people.
2. You invest in the development of your people.
3. You plan, for both the tactical - and the longer-term strategic goals/vision.
4. You are deliberate - and follow-through.
5. Your culture isn't just aspirational words - it is a reflection of your reality.
6. You value the contribution of all team members (employees, vendors, consultants).
7. Your cadences are sustainable - and you recognize the folly of burning people out.
8. You value creativity - and innovation.
9. Risk-taking is encouraged - in a measured and carefully planned way.
10. Data drives decisions - but in the absence of data - intuition is accorded its due respect, and is valued. Approximations are valued over paralysis.
11. Initiatives are planned - with sustainable efforts, and funding.
12. You value the ability to execute - and reward your employees who deliver exceptional performance.
13. You regularly trim the deadwood - and won't hesitate to whip out your high-powered McCulloch Chainsaw.
14. You demand integrity in everything, from everyone.
15. Your divisions, departments, and teams are focused - this isn't a social club.
16. Your entire business is focused - the attention of the organization is not scattered.
17. You do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it.
18. Your employees frequently use words like "love", "best", "excellent" to describe their work experiences - and your products/services.
19. Customers are eager to recommend your products/services.
20. Your leaders are the recognized go-to thought leaders in your industry.
21. You value leaders who lead - and shun abdication of responsibility through leadership/management by committee.
22. "Get Shit Done" is valued over "let's have another meeting."
23. You abhor waste, and useless make-work activities, for appearances sake.
24. Your justice is swift for unethical behavior: Immediate termination, with extreme prejudice.
25. Your guidance to employees during their Day-1 orientation: "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way"



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