Sunday, June 11, 2023

2023-06-12 Monday - 10 Good Habits for Software Engineers

After reading a recent LinkedIn post ("12 bad developer habits holding you back"), these are the first 10 Good Habits to adopt that came to my mind:

  1. Read lots of code - especially outside your organization/domain...serendipity will find you more easily.
  2. Read the documentation first (e.g., libraries you plan to use)
  3. Keep a personal journal (ideally, published somewhere, e.g., github, a blog, etc.) - document your experiments, lessons learned - share to help others - and benefit by elevating your professional visibility.
  4. Invest time in thinking, before coding - it will pay great dividends.
  5. Iterate quickly.
  6. Focus on getting it working first, then performance (80/20 applies, usually to this guidance).
  7. Learn to be your team's EXPERT in your debugging tools.
  8. Before saying "yes, we can do that" - understand the trade-offs, the ROI, and the business value you are creating.
  9. Learn/understand the business domain, deeply.
  10. Think in multiple dimensions - what are the upstream/downstream, and left/right - impacts and dependencies.

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