Saturday, April 29, 2023

2023-04-29 Saturday - The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023, Center for Humane Technology


This video of a talk - covers everything that I have expressed a concern about, regarding the unconstrained explosion in AI capabilities - without guardrails, governance, legal frameworks, and international agreements.

The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023
Center for Humane Technology

Tristan Harris started his career as a magician. He studied persuasive technology at Stanford University, and used what he learned to build a company called Apture, which was acquired by Google. It was at Google where Tristan first sounded the alarm on the harms posed by technology that manipulates attention for profit. Since then, he's spent his career articulating the insidious effects of today’s social media platforms, and envisioning how technology can serve humanity. Today, Tristan is the executive director and co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology.

Aza Raskin was trained as a mathematician and dark matter physicist. He took 3 companies from founding to acquisition before co-founding the Center for Humane Technology with Tristan and Randima Fernando. Aza is also a co-founder of the Earth Species Project, an open-source collaborative non-profit dedicated to decoding animal communication. Aza’s father, Jef Raskin, created the Macintosh project at Apple — with the vision that humane technology should help, not harm, humans.

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