Friday, June 11, 2021

2021-06-11 Friday - Not All Problems Need Fixing


Image by Andy Gries from Pixabay

Some years ago, I was involved in a significant client project to migrate quite a few legacy systems to a new platform.

As I diligently attempted to analyze the complexity of the data clean-up and migration effort - another Yoda-level Enterprise Architect sitting next to me began asking a few questions.

He quickly (and quite stunningly surmised, correctly - after just a few SQL queries) - that the cost/effort to complete the data cleansing and migration effort for that particular system would *far* exceed the most optimistic ROI - based on the rather bleak revenue projections for that particular system.

His astounding intuitive leap - that the business should sell the book of business that was contained in that small system - was a masterful stroke.

I keep that lesson close - for while I may have a hammer in my tool kit - not all problems are nails, and not all "houses" are worthy of rehab.

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