Wednesday, May 13, 2020

2020-05-13 Wednesday - There Is No Free Lunch

Today's Meditation: There is no free lunch.

If someone is trying to sell you a "silver bullet" solution/platform - something that they claim is faster/cheaper/easier - you need to stop and ask some deep and probing questions - of them, and of yourself.

How open/available is access to their documentation and training for their platform?

Is their source code available to you, as a customer (i.e. think risks to your own business continuity)?

Are they willing to put their source code in escrow - to include all of the DevOps scripts that would be needed to automate standing-up your own instance (i.e. if they were to cease business operations)?

How frequently can you obtain full data extracts (and, what will be ongoing costs to keep a recent/fresh extract updated)?

What are you giving up?

What risks are being transferred to you?

What choices are being taken away?

What are the unintended consequences of the trade-offs being made?

What will you do if that company goes bankrupt?

How will you recover your data?

How will you replace/rebuild the functionality their platform delivered?

How quickly can you recover/replace that business functionality (and data) - if they were to cease operations tomorrow?

Even if you did obtain a guarantee of source code being held in escrow - how long would it take you to assemble an engineering team and configure the required infrastructure resources to self-host the solution?

Is it even feasible for you to test this apocalyptic scenario - on a regular basis?

And, if someone is dismissive of these kinds of concerns - or, dismissive of your architects who may raise them - you should really pause and ask what is their true agenda.

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