Wednesday, May 29, 2019

2019-05-29 Wednesday - Ola Bini Detained in Ecuador

Ola Bini, a citizen of Sweden, someone I have met while attending the Strange Loop conference in St. Louis - has been detained by the government of Ecuador. I do not know the specifics of any charge that may be in play - but from this letter to the Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, of Sweden, it appears that Due Process has not been faithfully observed. 

This is the pertinent and salient point: 
 "At the hearing, the prosecutor offered no evidence against Ola Bini. Based on the Ecuadorian Penal Code, he was accused of one very serious crime – attacking the integrity of computer systems. Despite the lack of any evidence, the judge placed Ola Bini in pretrial detention for 90 days. There was no bail hearing." 

 Until proven otherwise by evidence, I choose to believe what I know of Ola's professional interests and dedication - and of what he has written - that he has not committed any crime - and that his only possible transgression is his passionate defense of the right to Privacy. 

 If you are concerned about the erosion of Privacy - and the increasing encroachment of surveillance in our lives - then please find some way to raise your voice in support of securing Ola's freedom. 

One voice is but a drop in a limitless ocean - but what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?

Related Links:

2019-05-30 Update: 
CNN interviewed Ola Bini, while he is still being held, for the 7th week, without being charged - in a prison in Quito, Ecuador

2019-06-20 Update:
Ola Bini granted habeas corpus
After 71 days in preventative detention without formal charges, Ola Bini was granted habeas corpus and will be released from prison


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