
2012-04-22 Sunday - SQL Server 2012 Multidimensional Modeling

This blog post is a reminder of some tutorials I want to spend time working through [when I have a bit more free time]

Tutorials for SQL Server 2012

AdventureWorks Sample Data Warehouse

Multidimensional Modeling (Adventure Works Tutorial)

SQL Server 2012 Product Documentation

Developer Reference for SQL Server 2012

SQL Server Data Warehouse Cribsheet (by Robert Sheldon)

2012-04-22 Sunday - Inspirational Reading...

I just started reading this interesting find this weekend...

I happened to come across the online version of that book, because I was intrigued by the story of this fellow's success:

"A 45-year-old Delaware resident, Mike Mann, became a multi-millionaire by being an obsessive, compulsive, domain buyer"

Another interesting find this weekend: Zen Guitar, by Philip Sudo

Here are my review comments I posted on Amazon.com

When the student is ready...the teacher will appear
I found this book in a thrift store yesterday - which was offering a 50% sale on all items

It is filled with inspiration for how you should look at practice, craft, acquiring skill, innovation, collaboration, and oh so much more.
It is a refreshing reminder for the master, as well as a gentle introduction for the beginner.
If your mind is open and ready - you will see that the words are as applicable to guitar playing as they are to any endeavor.
For my own professional work, in the field of software engineering, I found many useful ideas in this book to inspire me to return to Beginner's Mind
Well done Sodu.


2012-04-07 Saturday - Zillow APIs

I've spent some time today exploring the Zillow RESTful APIs:

I registered to obtain a Zillow Web Service Identifier (ZWSID), and used the latest soapUI (4.5) release to initially explore these two APIs:




2012-04-05 Thursday - Java 7 New Features Cookbook

I'm very happy to have received a copy of a new book from Packt Publishing:

Java 7 New Features Cookbook, by Richard M. Reese, Jennifer L. Reese

  • Coverage of the new features of Java 7 organized around easy-to-follow recipes
  • Covers features such as the try-with-resources block, the monitoring of directory events, asynchronous IO and new GUI enhancements, and more
  • A learn-by-example based approach that focuses on key concepts to provide the foundation to solve real world problems

I'll have a review posted later this weekend.

I should also have two copies of the book that Packt will provide as giveaways.  More details to follow soon.


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