
2008-03-23 Sunday

Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition – Language Overview

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

parallelism using the fork-join framework coming in Java 7
Java theory and practice: Stick a fork in it, Part 1

Java theory and practice: Stick a fork in it, Part 2

Well Formed Teams - Helping Teams Thrive not just Survive

"This share was created for administrative purposes only. The Share will reappear when the Server service is stopped and restarted or the computer is rebooted"
and set the Autoshareserver amd Autosharewks dword value to 0.


2008-03-18 Tuesday

I'm sitting in a client workshop this week, learning about Primavera's Cost Manager product - and assessing the options for integrating the product into the overall Enterprise Architecture plan.

This week the client is installing Relativity's Modernization Workbench. I originally recommended the client consider this tool - based on IBM's OEM resale of the tool under the brand name Asset Transformation Workbench.


I've identified another tool to add to my bag of security tools: Microsoft's Network Monitor 3.1 - some useful information here: blogs.technet.com/netmon

Creating a RESTful API with WCF

I'm considering taking some time to attend the OASIS Symposium: Composability within SOA.

OASIS will hold a 3 day symposium on the topic of "Composability within SOA" in Santa Clara, CA from April 28th to April 30th. Peter Carbone, VP of SOA at Nortel and Douglas Shoupp, Principal at Deloitte Consulting will be the keynote speakers.
In addition to the regular program, attendees can chose from hands-on tutorials which include:

- Securing data across the enterprise using SOA
- Semantic business process management
- Effective standards work
- Proposed Standards for End-to-End Resource Planning
- Building composite applications with SCA, Apache Tuscany, and SDO
- Deploying composable solutions
- Composing meaningful documents
- Using web services standards and open source implementations to develop an eGovernment interoperability framework

Red Hat buys SOA knowledge transfer expertise
"That’s the reason Red Hat Inc. bought Amentra Inc., a integration services provider headquartered in Richmond, VA., which specializes in providing SOA knowledge transfer for its clients. In making this deal, Red Hat is betting that Amentra can provide the consulting services needed to support JBoss, the middleware company Red Hat acquired two years ago."

Data services pain points have become an SOA target for JBoss

Eclipse, Sun and Oracle team up on persistence API


Scala by Example (pdf)

Programming Language Short List

Collected Information On About 2500 Computer Languages, Past and Present (Maintained by Bill Kinnersley)


2008-03-13 Thursday

I downloaded and installed the demo for Echo3 (Beta) today:
theserverside.com article: Open-source Ajax Framework Echo3 Goes Beta

Echo3 (Beta) - Echo Web Framework

I have a couple of strong reactions: Wow. Excellent. Cool. Sexy. Slick. Sharp.

There was another framework mentioned in another article today: Click Web Framework 1.4 is now available. I'll try to give it a look in the next week or so.


2008-03-09 Sunday

A friend called this afternoon. She's working this weekend on a project for her boss and wasn't sure know how to burn files to a CD/DVD within Windows XP.

I referred her to three possible tools:
ISO Recorder 2.0

I spent some time reading articles on coderoshi.com this weekend. Here are a few that I want to remember to review later:
Windows Maven Menu Options
Generating a Site and Documentation in Maven
5 Reasons Static Typing Sucks

The client I'm working with these days is primarily a .NET and Mainframe shop (CICS, MVS, COBOL, VSAM, NATURAL, ADABAS). However, I have had some success introducing some new tools and processes into their development environment (Java, Eclipse, Subversion, Ant, Hudson, MySQL, Apache, PHP, Tomcat, Glassfish).

This has allowed us to leverage a number of Open Source applications (FlySpray, webSVN, statSVN, Test Link, TikiWiki, DataGenerator, etc.) - and greatly reduce the cost of setting up our SOA development environment.

I began introducing Open Source tools in September of 2007 - and We have approximately 4.6 million lines of Open Source code in production today.

We've recently made some good progress on developing the first couple of reusable services for the target Service Oriented Archtiecture (SOA) - and began monitoring the source code repository under the new Continuous Integration processes I've introduced (using Hudson and Subversion).

However, we ran into an unexpected behavior within Microsoft's Visual Studio environment once we started executing the MSBuild process. It deletes the .svn files.

Bad Microsoft

Here are a few articles that discuss this issue - and some hacks to deal with it:
Stupid .Net Tricks: Visual Studio and Subversion

".svn" directories prevent web projects from synchronizing VSWebCache Options


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