
2015-05-12 Tuesday - Dream Teams

Trust, Innovation, and Ability are three of the most critical qualities in my line of work that I value the most in people. When thinking of who I would call on to tackle a major new project, there is a short list of names I mentally review from time-to-time as the core of my primary dream team. Those folks are already in my LinkedIn network - and it seems I may have need to call on them soon...


2015-05-09 Saturday - Graph Databases

I'm doing some research today on Graph Databases and happened to come across this very nice concise deck by Max De Marzi that provides some good examples of use cases that illustrate the benefits of Graph Database (using Nejo4j):

There's also a 2nd Edition of the O'Reilly book, Graph Databases now available.


2015-05-07 Thursday - Architecture Documentation with Sparx

If your organization is like most  - architecture documentation is often missing, out-of-date, inaccurate, or incomplete.

I offer a three week time-boxed service to work on-site with your teams and create Sparx Enterprise Architect models to capture your current-state architecture.

Please contact me via kmeeks@intltechventures.com to discuss a convenient time to schedule an engagement.


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