
2010-08-14 Saturday - Mono using GitHub...

I want to remember to come back and read this FAQ:


2010-08-14 Saturday - Postal Address Parsing

I came across an interesting challenge today: How to properly parse an address line in a postal address.

Initially, you might think that to be a relatively simple challenge - but spend a few minutes reading the United States Postal Service Pub 28 (Postal Addressing Standards) - and you'll appreciate some of the nuances of the problem.  In particular, see the examples beginning on page-9 to get a quick idea of the variations that would need to be handled.  At 208 pages - that's quite a bit of information.

A few quick Google searches turned-up a few interesting links that were relevant to my search for a possible solution:


Canada specific information

2010-08-14 Saturday - CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java

I happened to come across this interesting resource tonight:
The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java


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